Grilled Bacon Wrapped Jalapenos Recipe


  • 6-8 jalapeno peppers (depending on size)
  • 8oz cream cheese
  • 1 package pork bacon
  • Queen Bee dry rub
  • Toothpicks



  1. Prepare your grill for medium heat cooking, with coals bunched onto one side. This creates both a cool and hot zone to cook on.
  2. Cut the jalapenos lengthwise and remove seeds (or keep a few if you like it spicy).
  3. Spoon cream cheese into the open half of the jalapeno. Repeat until all the cheese has been used and all halves are filled.
  4. Cut slices of bacon in half and wrap each jalapeno tight closing with a toothpick.
  5. On the cool side of the grill, place the peppers cheese side up and layer on Queen Bee dry rub. Close the lid and cook until the peppers soften, cheese is bubbly and the bacon is fully cooked, about 10-15 minutes.
  6. Using tongs, carefully remove the cooked peppers from the grill. Serve solo or with ranch or a dipping sauce of your choice. These are bound to be a hit!